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The DUB-1312 USB 3.0 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter allows you to instantly add gigabit connectivity to your desktop, notebook, or netbook computer. Combining SuperSpeed USB 3.0 with Gigabit Ethernet connectivity, you can transfers large files in no time, stream high definition movies without buffering, or make light work of backups to a server or network storage device. Simply plug the DUB-1312 in to an available USB 3.0 port and you’re ready to connect to your network with the speed and reliability of a wired gigabit connection. The DUB-1312 is also fully backwards compatible with previous USB standards.
Easy to Install and Use
Simply plug in the DUB-1312 USB 3.0 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter to your computer’s USB 3.0 port and it will be installed and ready in a matter of seconds. The drivers are installed automatically1, there is no need to install additional programs or fiddle around with your computer settings. For extra convenience, the adapter’s compact design means you can easily slip the DUB-1312 into your pocket or laptop bag and take it with you. If you are adding Gigabit connectivity to your desktop, the DUB-1312 eliminates the need to open your computer to install a network card, and it also keeps your computer’s expansion slots free for other uses.
Energy-saving Functionality
Power to the DUB-1312 is provided directly by the USB port, eliminating the need for an external AC power adapter. The DUB-1312 not only supports the USB 3.0 standard’s power-saving features, but also includes an energy-saving suspend and resume function to minimize power consumption when network traffic is light, the device is idle, or when the Ethernet cable is unplugged. This feature is especially useful if you are using a notebook or netbook computer, as it helps conserve battery life, allowing you to keep working for longer without needing to recharge.
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